Pinyamazing! Illustrative Guide for Pineapple Now available

Pinyamazing! Illustrative Guide for Pineapple Now available

June 4, 2021. The Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (DA-BAFS) officially released its 2nd Illustrative Guide (IG) - PNS/BAFPS: 09:2004 Fresh Fruits - Pineapples - Specifications. This endeavor was made possible through the collaboration of the Technical Services Division (TSD) with the Technical Working Group (TWG) members from the academe, government institutions, and private sector organizations.

The IG for Pineapple is part of the Bureau’s commitment in promoting uniform understanding and interpretation of the Philippines National Standards (PNS) through the development of knowledge products that aims to increase PNS adoption and efficient implementation. With the use of supplementary photographs and images, the IG for Pineapple further explains the PNS provisions on minimum requirements, classifications, pre-harvest and post-harvest defects, packaging, marking, and labelling of pineapple. The Guide was also developed in support of the Philippine Pineapple Industry by guiding the farmers in ensuring the quality of their products and thereby maintaining the local and global competitiveness of fresh pineapples.

The IG for PNS/BAFPS 09:2004 Fresh Fruits – Pineapple – Specifications is now available online and can be downloaded at:  ###