Sort and grade to slow down produce deterioration

Sort and grade to slow down produce deterioration

December 7, 2022. In August 2022, an oversupply of cabbage in the Philippines was experienced; however, this occurrence was not the first time. During the pandemic, specifically in the same month of August 2020, an excess of production was likewise recorded in Benguet. Netizens took an initiative to post it online as their support to local farmers.

Although online selling channels opened opportunities for farmers to dispatch their surplus, more marketing strategies for this commodity is necessary for farmers to get a return on their investment.  Cabbage, if not properly handled, is easily damaged and prone to spoilage.

A good postharvest practice before transporting perishable products is to sort or separate the damaged produce from the good ones. To classify cabbage according to its type or grading, a poster is released by the Bureau for PNS Vegetables - Cabbage - Grading and Classification (PNS/BAFPS 17:2005) to provide guidance on how to separate good quality cabbages from those that are damaged, diseased or rotten.

Excited to know more? View or download Vegetable-related PNS and knowledge products through the BAFS website at ###