29 November 2022 -PGS guaranteed organic products would soon flood the markets of the Visayas with One Samar Agro-Organic Practitioners, Inc. (ONE SAOP) awarded as the 2nd accredited PGS organization.
In a virtual ceremony held on November 29, 2022, BAFS awarded the Accreditation Certificate to ONE SAOP with scopes for crop production, animal production, and processing for milled rice.
ONE SAOP is the second BAFS-accredited organic certifying body (OCB) under the Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) by the Republic Act 11511.
The virtual ceremony was spearheaded by the Agricultural Training Institute – Regional Training Center (ATI-RTC) VIII, together with the Department of Agriculture - Regional Field Unit VIII, as part of the celebration of Organic Agriculture Month. Representatives from the BAFS witnessed the awarding ceremony, together with the National Organic Agriculture Program, the Provincial Local Government Unit of Samar, the Municipal Local Government Unit of Gandara, ONE SAOP, and other farmer associations.
Assistant Director Mary Grace Mandigma of the BAFS read the message of Director Vivencio Mamaril congratulating ONE SAOP for its achievement and commending its dedication to being one of the most active farmer groups advocating organic agriculture in the Philippines.
The group was challenged to continue promoting organic agriculture in the Municipality of Gandara and expand its market not just in the Province of Samar but throughout the country–increasing the availability and accessibility of organic produce and products in the Philippines.
As Director Mamaril emphasized in his message, “Let this be an inspiration and aspiration for other groups to be accredited as an organic certifying body and help our small farmers and fisherfolk be certified as organic. As such, I encourage you all to continue your efforts and work hand in hand with us, the Department of Agriculture, in advancing the National Organic Agriculture Program and making organic agriculture in the Philippines a competitive and sustainable industry.”
Accreditation by BAFS attests that the core PGS group has complied with the requirements to operate as an OCB and can now provide certification services to its farmer members. The BAFS looks forward to accrediting more core PGS groups before the year ends. ###