Pamantayan 5th issue, a must-read newsletter

Pamantayan 5th issue, a must-read newsletter

July 28, 2022. We are delighted to share the 5th issue of Pamantayan (January-June 2022), the official Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (BAFS) newsletter. The semester's issue highlights the first BAFS-accredited organic certifying body (OCB) under the Participatory Guarantee System (PGS).

Here are two reasons why you need to read our latest newsletter: one, it is curated by our writers to keep you updated, and second, it is packed with information related to Philippine National Standards and Organic Agriculture regulations.

Whatever platform is available, the Bureau delivers its service to the public! In his message, BAFS Director Vivencio R. Mamaril said, ”Recognizing likewise the BAFS employees’ efforts - who knew what needed to be done – quickly and flawlessly executed their tasks to run this organization to a much better state, I salute you all and thank you!”

We encourage everyone to share this newsletter and give feedback through our Facebook page or website! ###