Statistics in Standards-Related Research and Impact Evaluation Training

Statistics in Standards-Related Research and Impact Evaluation Training

DA-BAFS Technical Staff Enhances Analitical Skills with Non-Parametric Statistical Test Training

As a testament to the commitment of DA-BAFS to continual development, a 2-day training on non-parametric statistical tests was conducted on April 23-24, 2024 at the DA-BAFS Conference Room, Quezon City.

This is session 3 of the 2024 Learning and Development Plan for Statistics in Standards-Related Research and Impact Evaluation that covered the non-parametric statistical tests such as McNemar change test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Fisher exact test, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, Cochran Q test, Cramer coefficient, Phi Coefficient, and Spearman Rank-Order. The first two sessions were conducted last February 16, 27, and 28, 2024, covering fundamentals of statistics and parametric statistical tests.

The training introduced the technical staff from the Standard Development Division (SDD), Technical Services Division (TSD), Standards Research Division (SRD), and Organic Agriculture Division (OAD) to non-parametric statistical tools that can be used for standards research, risk profiling, validating and evaluating the use and impact of standards, and organic-agriculture-related functions.

Professor Peter John Aranas from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) Sta. Mesa served as the resource person for the said training session. His expertise and guidance were instrumental in helping the technical staff grasp the details of non-parametric statistical tests. Through detailed discussion and practical examples, the technical staff learned how to apply various non-parametric tests relevant to their functions.###