Registry of Organic Seeds Producers
as of 30 July 2024
1 | III | BAI-National Small Ruminants Research and Development Center (BAI-NSRRD) | OFP-01-2024-329 | Forage seedlings | Third-party |
2 | CAR | BPI-Baguio National Crop Research, Development and Production Support Center | OFP-06-2024-361 | Planting material: perennial crops, legumes, leafy vegetables, fruit vegetables, root crops, spices and herbs, and botanical | Third-party |
3 | VI | BPI-Guimaras National Crop Research Development and Production Support Center | OFP-02-2024-342 | Perennial crop seedlings: cashew (grafted), mango (grafted), mango scion (red color varieties), mango scion (NSIC approved ‘carabao”) Herbs and spices seedlings: aloe vera, artamisa, cat whiskers, chives, coriander, Gynura Procumbense, herba buena, oregano, sage, stevia, tarragon Legumes seeds: cowpea, mungbean Fruiting vegetable seeds: okra Root crops: taro tubers | Third-party |
4 | IX | CONZARRD Propagation Farm | OFP-12-2023-316 | Rice: Masipag, 105-2-1, Gilda, M-105-2-1, RC-14, 116-5, Bnm-04-04, Gabat, Line, 851-29, BRGY, 203-13, Susana, RC-2, B-1, D-1, GL-3, MSCS, 117-210, Maligaya, Joel, 216-19, SVF-20, 75, Asucena, Mariposa, 216-1, Pilit, Tapol, M-225-2, Hinumay, Bitoon, Tanguiling, 218, Red mimis, Maraw, Red V-10, Black rice, RC-160, Mantika, FG, Lapusan, V-10, M-98, M-117-3R, Aromatic, G0-2, 101-2-1, B-1-1, M-11, 164-3R, 22-7-2, 94-3-1, Dalagan Bukid, Ilon-ilon, Imelda, RC-160-DA, Red Tonner, M-203-1, A-16, M-747-Z, Pilit (Karabaw), M-117-2R, M-11-13 | PGS |
5 | III | DA-Central Luzon Integrated Agricultural Research Center-Research Outreach Station for Upland Development (CLIARC RSUD) | OFP-02-2024-343 | Fruit-vegetables: hot pepper, okra, tomato Legumes: mungbean, peanut, pole sitao Rootcrop seedlings: arrow root | Third-party |
6 | II | Department of Agriculture – Cagayan Valley Research Center RFO 2 (DA-CVRC) | OFP-11-2018-049 | Fruit-vegetables: ampalaya, eggplant, okra, patola, pepper, squash, tomato, upo Legumes: winged bean, bush sitao, cowpea, hyacinth bean, katuray, lima bean, pole sitao Perennial: malunggay, mango Grain crops: OPV corn, rice | Third-party |
7 | II | Department of Agriculture – Nueva Vizcaya Experiment Station (DA-NVES) | OFP-12-2019-058 | Grain crops: OPV corn, upland rice Legumes: butter bean, bush sitao, cowpea, hyacinth bean, lima bean, mungbean, pigeon pea, pole sitao, snap bean, soybean, winged bean Fruiting vegetables: amaranth, bittergourd, blue ternate, eggplant, finger pepper, jute mallow, katuray, okra, patola, squash, tomato, upo | Third-party |
8 | II | Department of Agriculture – Quirino Experiment Station (DA-QES) | OFP-01-2020-065 | Grain crop seeds, vegetable seeds, legume seeds, and goat | Third-party |
9 | II | Department of Agriculture – Southern Cagayan Research Center (DA-SCRC) | OFP-05-2020-070 | Leafy vegetable: jute Fruiting-vegetables: eggplant, okra, pepper, tomato Legumes: kidney bean, mungbean, cowpea, bush sitao, pole sitao | Third-party |
10 | II | Department of Agriculture- Northern Cagayan Experiment Station (DA-NCES) | OFP-01-2020-063 | Rice seeds | Third-party |
11 | II | Department of Agriculture-Batanes Experiment Station (DA-BES) | OFP-05-2020-069 | Fruit-vegetables: – Seeds and seedlings (ampalaya, eggplant, hot pepper, okra, patola, squash, tomato, upo) – Seedlings (bell pepper, brocolli, cauliflower, cucumber) Leafy vegetable seedlings: cabbage, kangkong, lettuce Legumes: mungbean, peanut, pole sitao, snap beans, sweet pea Herbs: – Seeds (garlic, ginger, native onion, turmeric) – Seedlings (basil, bunching onion, chives, coriander, dill, lemon grass, mint, parsley, rosemary, thyme) Perennial: – Seeds (papaya, pomelo) – Seedlings (coconut, strawberry) Root crops seedlings: cassava, sweet potato, taro, tugi, ube Grain crops: bulgar, diko, glutinous corn, kayasakas, malagkit black, rice, sorghum, tinalina, yellow corn | Third-party |
12 | I | Jubilo’s Farm | OFP-12-2023-317 | Rice: black rice | PGS |
13 | MIMAROPA | Raya’s Farm | OFP-08-2023-257 | Rice: NSIC Rc 218, red rice | PGS |
14 | MIMAROPA | Reny’s Farm | OFP-08-2023-253 | Rice: NSIC Rc 126, NSIC Rc 142, NSIC Rc 218, red rice | PGS |
15 | VIII | Tempesto Rice Farm | OFP-06-2023-222 | Rice: NSIC Rc 160 | PGS |
16 | V | V. Ala Palay Seed Grower & Distributor (Good Grass) | OFP-07-2023-237 | Rice seeds | Third-party |
* Breakdown: | ||
Certification Scheme | No. of Farms | |
– | Third-party | 11 |
– | PGS | 5 |
The information herein is based on the organic certificates including participatory organic certificates issued through Participatory Guarantee System Group.
Only certified organic produce and inputs found in this list can be labeled organic according to the relevant provisions of the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010, as amended by RA No. 11511, and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR).

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Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards
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