Application for Experimental Use Permit (EUP)
Important Reminders:
1. This checklist applies only to those products with organic claims.
2. The Organic Certificate (OC) is a prerequisite for theregistration of OSA or OBCA products.
3. The valid OC qualifies organic input (OSA or OBCA) producers for automatic enrolment in the DA-BAFS Registry and issuance of Certificate of Registration (COR).
- EUP for Product Registration
- EUP for Other Purposes (Product Research and Development, Emergency-use, and Off-label)
- Download Form
- Duly Accomplished Application Form (OARS-01-EUP.v4); and
- Efficacy Trial Protocol (ETP) prepared by a DA-BAFS officially – accredited OBCA researcher. The OBCA researcher is required to accomplish the ETP matrixprovided by DA-BAFS.
- Duly Accomplished Application Form (OARS-01-EUP.v4); Efficacy Trial Protocol (ETP) prepared by a researcher, not
- limited to the DA-BAFS officially – accredited OBCA researchers; and
- Technical documents (e.g., pest and disease outbreak data, terms and agreements and other relevant information).
a) Efficacy Trial Terminal Reports (ETTR) must be submitted to DA-BAFS within one year after the expiration of the EUP.
b) For the EUP issued for other purposes, the efficacy data shall not be used as prerequisite for product registration of OBCA.
For inquiries, please visit us:
Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards
BPI Compound, Visayas Avenue, Diliman QuezonCity 1101 Philippines
or call and email us:
DA Trunkline Nos.: (02) 8928-8741 to 64
locals: 3304 or 3303
OAD Hotline: 0968-532-2505
OAD Email:
For OA Compliance Assistance Concerns:
Engr. Ibrahim A. Racmat
Senior Science Research Specialist
For OSA and OBCA Product Registration Concerns:
Gerald E. Cammagay
Senior Science Research Specialist
For PGS Certification Concerns:
Geeza June V. Painaga – Auditor
Senior Science Research Specialist
For PGS and Third-party Accreditation Concerns:
Vera Ysabel V. de la Cruz
Senior Science Research Specialist