To ensure the continued adherence of Ormoc Organic Agriculture Development Inc. (OOADI) to accreditation requirements, the DA-BAFS Assessment Team undertook a surveillance assessment in Ormoc City from March 3 to 5, 2025. The surveillance assessment comprised an office-based evaluation and an on-site observation of the group’s inspection procedures for two farmer-members applying for organic certification. continue reading : Surviellance Assessment of PGS Group for Accreditation as Organic Certifying Body

Surveillance Assessment of PGS Group for Accreditation as Organic Certifying Body
In order to ensure the continued compliance of the People’s Action for Liberative Agricultural Industry, Inc. (PALAI, Inc.) with accreditation requirements, the DA-BAFS Assessment Team conducted a surveillance evaluation on March 4 to March 6, 2025, at Sto. Niño, South Cotabato. The surveillance encompassed an office-based assessment and on-site monitoring observation of the two PALAI-certified continue reading : Surveillance Assessment of PGS Group for Accreditation as Organic Certifying Body

Survillance Assessment of PGS Group for Accreditation as Organic Certifying Body
For its continued adherence to the accreditation requirements, the DA-BAFS Assessment Team conducted a surveillance audit on February 25 to February 27, 2025, at Dasol, Pangasinan.Surveillance involved an office inspection and on-site observation of the monitoring activity of the group on one farmer-member certified under the crop production category.The activity was supported by technical personnel continue reading : Survillance Assessment of PGS Group for Accreditation as Organic Certifying Body