Surveillance Audit of an Accredited PGS OCB (Itogon, Benguet)

The Assessment Team from DA-BAFS and DA-RFO Regulatory Division conducted an annual surveillance audit of Itogon Integrated Organic Farmers Association (IIOFA) from October 22 to 25, 2024. IIOFA is an accredited PGS group from Itogon, Benguet.The audit aims to verify the continued compliance of the group with the relevant accreditation guidelines.Learn more about the accreditation continue reading : Surveillance Audit of an Accredited PGS OCB (Itogon, Benguet)

Surveillance Audit of an Accredited PGS OCB (Cabatuan, Iloilo)

From October 29-31, 2024, the DA-BAFS Assessment Team conducted the annual surveillance of the Cabatuan Organic Farmers and Practitioners Association (COFPA) in Cabatuan, Iloilo. The 3-day surveillance covered office-based assessment and witnessing the conduct of peer reviews to verify the group’s continued compliance with the accreditation requirements.The activity was made possible with the support and continue reading : Surveillance Audit of an Accredited PGS OCB (Cabatuan, Iloilo)

Pre-Inspection to Core PGS Farmer – Members (Romblon)

DA-BAFS and DA-RFO MIMAROPA Regulatory Division, assisted by the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist, conducted a pre-inspection activity on the core PGS group farmer – members in Romblon on October 21 to 25, 2024.The activity aimed to assess the readiness of the five farmer-members for organic certification, and provided technical assistance on the compliance with continue reading : Pre-Inspection to Core PGS Farmer – Members (Romblon)

Pre-Inspection to PGS Core Farmers – Members. Oriental Mindoro

A team of inspectors from DA-BAFS and DA-RFO MIMAROPA Regulatory Division conducted a pre-inspection activity on the core PGS group farmer – members in Oriental Mindoro on October 28 to 31, 2024.The activity aimed to assess the readiness of the five farmer-members for organic certification, and provided technical assistance on the compliance with the Philippine continue reading : Pre-Inspection to PGS Core Farmers – Members. Oriental Mindoro